by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Sep 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
I am thrilled to announce that Mindful Return now offers an official Mindful Return Maternity Leave Template, to help you be intentional, structured, and professional about your upcoming leave. Why bother presenting your employer with such a document? Don’t take it...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Dec 31, 2016 | Community
Oh, how I hate the mommy wars. At the end of each year, I like to spend time focusing on things that bring us together as humans, rather than things that tear us apart. Once again, as 2016 draws to a close, I’m saying no to engaging in this silly mommy wars...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Jul 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
As mamas, we all manage our households, to be sure. But what about those of us who are managers at work, too? Here’s a question I recently received from a new mama who will soon be returning to work after maternity leave, about how to step back in upon her return. I...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Jul 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ever feel like you’re drowning during your workday? Is the stress of work getting you down? Whether you’re a brand new working mama or you’ve been at this working motherhood thing for a while, the advice in this guest post from Shannon Collier, an extremely...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Aug 4, 2015 | Breastfeeding
I’ve pumped milk approximately 1,000 times. Here’s the math. 2 babies, 40 weeks per baby, 5 days a week, 2-3 pumping sessions per day. My two little redheads are now 2 ½ and 4 ½, and I’ve since retired my pump. But I remember quite vividly the 20 months we spent...