The Alchemy of Walking

The Alchemy of Walking

I’ve done more than my normal amount of walking these past few months.  Believe me, I’m not just guessing.  My iPhone tells me, “On average, you have walked and run further this year than last year.”  So there you go. As I wrote a few weeks ago, 2024 got off to a...
My Newest Mantra for Working Parents

My Newest Mantra for Working Parents

Because it’s been so helpful to me over the past few months, I’m writing today to share my newest mantra for working parents. A while back, I reflected on what I thought were the 10 Best Mantras for Working Moms.  As a reminder, the Sanskrit word “mantra” literally...
Baby Brain or Incompetence?

Baby Brain or Incompetence?

Is “pregnancy brain” or “baby brain” a real thing?  Was I ever really that good at my job?  And can a new working mom be as “sharp” at work as she was before?  These common questions can wreak havoc on a working mama’s sense of confidence.  We must get these thoughts...