by Lori Mihalich-Levin | May 11, 2024 | Mindfulness, Working Mom
“To linger.” Like “hanging out,” it’s an activity we often hesitate to engage in as working parents. A verb around which our muscles have atrophied in a world of go-go-go. Tomorrow, Mother’s Day in the United States, I invite you – no, urge you – to linger....
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | May 13, 2023 | Mindfulness, Working Mom
If this weekend is Mother’s Day where you live, this blog post is an invitation for you to pause for a moment to consider how you will be spending this day. (If you’re not in the US, I invite you to read on anyway. You can either pull this post out again on your own...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | May 7, 2022 | Working Mom
This Mother’s Day, I’m advocating for one thing: to celebrate mothers for our humanity, not for our superpowers. If you’ve been hanging around this blog for a while, you know the lawyer in me loves herself a good definition. So when I thought about writing a Mother’s...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | May 11, 2019 | Working Mom
In the U.S., it is Mother’s Day weekend. On a day that is (ostensibly) about us, there is nothing so important, I think, as knowing ourselves and being able to ask for what we need. I started writing this post wanting to talk about how important it is to be able to...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | May 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
A few years ago, at a time of desperation after my second child was born (more on how 1 child + 1 child felt like 85 children here), I signed up for an online course that truly changed my life. It was Shawn Fink’s Abundant Mama online program. And it truly helped me...