by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Oct 28, 2023 | Time Management, Working Dad, Working Mom
I used to walk by our kitchen sink like a dragon, fuming and ready to attack. Smoke puffed out my ears, fire sizzled from my tongue. My hands were ready to claw at the mountainous piles of dirty dishes. Now, I smile as I walk through the kitchen. An unwitting...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Apr 29, 2023 | Working Dad, Working Mom
Do you ever feel stuck when thinking about how you divide household labor with your partner? It’s a topic that is (fortunately) getting more airtime these days on social media and in the press. But who does what at home is a complex and layered issue. And it can...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Aug 20, 2022 | Working Dad, Working Mom
Recently, my hubby and I sat down together to watch the new Fair Play Documentary. If you haven’t yet heard about it, it’s a 90-minute film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, created in partnership with Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine. And it’s based on Eve Rodsky’s book...
by Lori Mihalich-Levin | Apr 30, 2022 | self-care, Working Dad, Working Mom
Ah, the words “alone time” make me sigh with joy and pleasure. Otherwise sometimes referred to as “me time,” this beautiful concept didn’t even have a name in by vocabulary when I was single. Before having children, I don’t think I ever felt the need to label a...